Monday, January 26, 2015

Week 5: 01/25-01/31

Week 5
weeeeeek five

So I decided to leave that ^^^ up there.

     So, you can probably tell by now that there is no real theme to any of the photos I post of myself...maybe I should've been consistent, but nah.
     I've also also decided that since I love to cook so much (because I love to eat so much), I'm going to put my recipes on this blog so I don't have to try and find the messy greasy paper pages they are most likely written on. So I'll add a page to the blog. Don't expect any sort of order or sorting as of yet, it'll begin as just a place to scribble ideas. When I get around to typing them, I'll start with:

1. "Beer-bread" Whole Wheat Pizza Dough
2. Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies (optional walnuts)

     I'd also like to get a page started of "inventions/projects" that I've done...cause I like to build stuff, mostly useless stuff but it's something to do.
                                                            ....actually I just looked and the photo theme is "eyebrows"

Monday, January 19, 2015

Week 4: 01/18-01/24

Week 4
     Week four, back at school and loving it. I think I was a little socially deprived last week. I'm all for being a lone wolf, but it feels great to be back with my pack. The big news this week is that our friend Kathleen is back from England so it's been cool hanging with her again. Otherwise, it's just nice being around everyone. I'm going to make it my goal to live the hell out of this last semester.
     Time to make a senior bucket list? I've never been a fan of "bucket lists" in general, but I still wanna do some stuff. For starters, I think it would be cool to try and spend some one-on-one time with each of my friends here before we all go separate ways. It could be grabbing some drinks or food, but I want it to be something cool. We'd just have at least one deep convo about life and the future and our plans after school. I'll probably make a page on here about it with pics with each person. "Friend dates" to look back on lol. Maybe I'll even take notes about each person's plans and such so we can all look back like ten years from now and laugh at ourselves.
     Steam tunnels are on the bucket list, as well as climbing to Follenger rooftop. Also, there are these two awesome trees on the east side of the Illini Union that would be cool to climb and hammock up high...
     First week of class was pretty uneventful, which was good. It may be a super chill last semester unless I get a job or some research to do. If not, maybe I'll get around to finally building that canoe in the shack basement....umm

Profound thought of the week: "if you want to feel like a celebrity, take a very long trip then come back...friends will flock to see you/hear your stories."

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week 3: 01/11-01/17

Week 3
My final week at home was a pretty solitary one, I enjoyed enough Netflix to last me a while. On Sunday I watched the Golden Globes and it reminded me of all the films and TV I wanted to watch, so I made a list.

Movies: American Sniper, Bernie, Whiplash, St. Vincent - Murray, The Imitation Game, Birdman, The Theory of Everything, Big Eyes, MockingJay, Selma

TV: House of Cards (finish), The Newsroom, Homeland, Ray Donovan, Archer, Parks and Rec

I've alredy seen a few of the movies and I'm deep into Homeland and House of Cards. I got pretty antsy to get back to school, and it's good to be back now.

It was good to spend some time with my parents, just the three of us hanging out...but I'm glad I'm not an only child haha.

Deep Thought of the Week: I realized this week that mankind is not meant to be least me. I mean more than just the work required to survive, we are designed to keep ourselves busy. It was very weird not working this break, the first time I haven't in years. I guess I have an inherent need to be doing something productive with my time.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Week 2: 01/04-01/10

Week 2
     This was the first week in probably 3 years that I had literally nothing to do. Jonah and I got bored pretty fast, especially considering the temperature dropped well below zero and we were stranded indoors. Most of our time was spent in front of the TV or computers...yeah, pretty lame. BUT it did allow me to start this blog and make a list of all the movies and TV shows I want to watch in the near future (thanks to the Golden Globes). I'm considering making a separate blog page devoted to movie/TV/book/music reviews. I started a spreadsheet that outlines every single concert I've attended at some point, but it's incomplete. Maybe I'll work on that this upcoming week. I'll be home alone all week and need something "productive" to do.
     I just finished watching the movie "Bernie" with Jack Black. It was interesting. It's a true story and a strange one, but I think the most striking part about it is really speaks to the idea that even if we know somebody has committed a crime, like murder, even if they've confessed to it, we still won't believe it if they are the nicest person in the world.

Profound Thought: People's perceptions of reality are so much stronger than reality itself, it's striking.

Week 1: 12/28-01/03

Week 1
     Happy New Year! Minocqua this year was different from usual. Different cousins were here this year, which made it kind of fun. I got to hang out with baby Oliver and the Kruits this time around so that made things younger.
     This year's Minocqua trip became the beer trip. I think having much younger kids there allowed the 20-somethings to be a little more flexible, no teenagers were around. Between Patrick, David, and myself, there was plenty of beer-snobbery to go around. We tried dozens of Wisconsin craft brews from the local store and went to Murtaugh's Pub, Minocqua Brewery, and Otto's tavern. Otto's is the German "beer garden" type place. I was surprised that neither Patrick nor David had been there, Patrick being basically German and David a huge fan of Europe in general. Regardless, we enjoyed ourselves eating brats and drinking German beer.
     It was cold up there most days, but that meant the lake was definitely frozen. I golfed out on the frozen lake for the first time and it was a cool experience. Luckily I managed to find all four golf balls after hitting them out about 140 yards (three of them were white). It helped that the snow was basically untouched.
    Other than eating, drinking, and being merry, I read a good chunk of "Storm of Swords" and finished most of "Sons of Anarchy" this trip. It was a good hibernation and escape from the world, as always.

Profound Thought: After having hung out with baby Oliver for a week, I realized that I could feasibly (that is, financially and physically) carry the responsibility of a child if I had to. Like, if for whatever reason fate handed me a baby in 9 months, I would have the means to handle that. It wouldn't be the end of the world. I graduate in less than 5 months and wouldn't have trouble landing a decent job right after, so financially I could manage it. It's just weird to think that I'm no longer in that category of "teens" or young people who could "screw up their futures" by having a kid. I'm actually at an age where a lot of people do that and it's freaky....not that it would happen any time soon lol

Week in Review Project: Start

I decided that for 2015 I'm going to post a picture of myself each week and say a few words about my week and anything "profound" I've learned. I'll try and do it on Sunday nights when I can, but otherwise I'll just make sure the photo is at least from the right week.