Thursday, March 5, 2015

Week 10: 03/01-03/07

Week 10
     03/02 - I got an interview! I will be doing a phone interview with KPFF, an engineering consulting firm in Seattle, WA. The summer internship would be an awesome experience! Time to get my game face on. It may be very premature, but I've already looked at the trip to Seattle if I drove. It would take 30 hours, I would drive through Minneapolis, visiting my cousin Kelly there, then through Fargo, visiting my cousin David there (as well as any Fargo movie/TV gift shops). From there I'd have a long driven through North Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, and Washington. I would totally turn it into a massive road trip, complete with visiting and camping at Yellowstone and other National Parks on the way. .... I may be ahead of myself, but I don't care.
     03/05 - The interview went well! We talked for about an hour about the company and the internship and my past work experience. The position would entail me working in the Structural Engineering team at KPFF. Along with the other interns, I would be involved in a real-time bridge or building project doing real design work. He said the interns are treated like entry-level engineers, so that's awesome. I am now really interested in the opportunity. I was told that there is just one internship position and that he'd call or email me next week! Wish me luck!
     03/06 - Unofficial has arrived; officially. Now, as a senior, Unofficial has become much more of a symbolic gesture than an opportunity to get completely plastered. This is only my second celebrated Unofficial, but it is also my last. (Freshman and sophomore years I was a good boy and visited home). A big part of me feels like I missed out on a lot freshman and sophomore years but, the past two years have been so great that it cancels out I think. This year, my friends and I planned it out to a tee. We started out with pancakes, mimosas and Irish coffee at the Shack at roughly 9am. I went to class from 11-2 then headed over to Mel^2 for healthy and unhealthy snacks and Irish car bombs. Finally, we ended the night at my place with Shamrock shakes, gummy bears, and cheesy potatoes, David really enjoyed those...all of them. Nobody went to crazy, which is always good. My neighbors got raided by the police, which is always good. That's about it.

Profound Thought of the Week: "It's never really about the booze, it's about the friendships"

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