Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Week 9: 02/22-02/28

Week 9
     02/25 - Tomorrow is the career fair. Ahh! So today I'm hardcore polishing shoes, prepping my resume, and researching companies. This week's post should have a professional photo, which I'll take later tonight or in the morning.
    02/27 - The career fair went well I think. I talked to about 9 companies, many of them out-of-state. Hopefully I'll get a sweet internship.
    02/28 - So my brother, Brendan, Big Sic, Bleck, and some kid named Geary decided that because they couldn't be here for Unlfficial next week, that they would stop by UIUC for a night. It was quite the night. We had a lot of fun just goofing around and acting like stupid boys, reminded me of being home. Also I met I some Swedes and tried to explain how I'm Swedish slightly, they weren't having it.

Profound thought of the week: "Internships are a great way to explore the country, you may as well be available for travel while you're young and have no real responsibilities."