Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week 6: 02/01-02/07

Week 6
^^^So I didn't realize that the volume buttons on iPad take a picture when camera is open...this is what happens, candid this week.

     02/01 - Super Bowl Sunday...or should I say, Katy Perry Sunday. I hosted a party, but we all mostly just wanted to watch KP. Well, actually we just wanted to watch Kathleen watch KP. (For those of you who don't know, Kathleen loves Katy a bit too much...) But yeah, it was good "last college Superbowl" for us all.
     Anyways, I'm kind of liking not being swamped with homework, go figure. Rather than pursue a job or research, I've decided I'm going to look into getting grad school scholarships and contacting people at ALL the schools I've applied to. That way wherever I go I (hopefully) already have something set up. We'll see what happens!

     02/04 - Let's see...So I clearly need a shave and haircut though I'm not really ready to act/look like a professional yet, is that immature of me? I think if I start getting into that mindset I'll be better motivated to apply for all those scholarships and such. If I look the part I'll be ready for any random research or job interviews that may pop up....

     02/ yeah, haircut didn't happen this week. What DID happen though is I finally got around to working on one of my mini construction projects: The Bike Trailer. If you head on over to the "Projects" page I posted some initial designs and work pics...also, I've decided that it would be good to pursue research this semester after all, so I'll contact some profs about that.

Profound Thought of the Week: Be an encouraging person. It sounds stupid but really, so often I've found that even the smallest words of encouragement can go a long way. Most people, myself included, tend to just say nothing or say little when someone is going through a hardship because we don't want to give off the wrong impression or be "embarrassed" by it. It doesn't really make sense to withhold encouragement.

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