Sunday, May 24, 2015

Week 22: 05/24-05/30

Week 22
     05/24 - Today was the last day of my dad's time in Seattle. It was really great that he got to spend a few days here to help get me settled and see some cool stuff. For the last day, we headed out to Seward Park, a 300-acre park in the city equipped with walking and biking trails. It was a cool place and had some really tall trees, I think they are cedars. The park is a peninsula that sticks out into Lake Washington and has a view of Mt. Rainier. Unfortunately, my dad never got to see the mountain because he was never here on a day that was clear enough. If it's cloudy at all, the mountain becomes and invisible giant.
     05/25 - This have finally slowed down here in the Emerald City. Today is Memorial Day and instead of going out and doing crazy vacation-y stuff, we're finally taking a day to just chill out. Ryan and I got our stuff figured out at the apartment, unpacked and everything. We ran out to Target downtown and grabbed a couple more forgotten essentials. Today was also monumental because we figured out how the street names work; a first step in starting to act like a local.
     05/26 - Today was my first day at KPFF Consulting Engineers and it was great! The company is very large and very professional. I work on the 16th floor of a central downtown building, which is pretty neat. The staff are all very friendly and many of them are fresh out of their master's programs or have been working for only a few years. It should be a great job. My team leader took me and some other team members out for lunch as a sort of introduction. We went to a delicious Italian place called Il Fornaio, which I'll probably go to again sometime.
     05/27 - So, work is officially a thing so all of the crazy Seattle activity is gonna die down now a bit, which should let me catch up on this blog haha.
     05/30 - Sunny Saturday! Today I joined some people from the office (and Ryan) and we went paddleboarding at Green Lake. It was a lot of fun, I had never been paddleboarding before but it wasn't difficult at all to pick up. Green Lake park was cool too, there's a great bike/walking path around the lake as well as other park stuff.
     When we got back to our apartment we took full advantage of our rooftop grill, making some sweet food decisions in life:

Our view of Rainier from our roof!

Profound Thought: "It's much easier to remember thoughts in the moment, not two weeks after the fact"

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