Saturday, September 26, 2015

Week 39: 09/20-09/26

Week 39
Homemade bun of course
     09/20 - Today I tried my hand at making BBQ beef brisket....I must say it was a grand success! So delicious. I made up a dry rub and let the beef slab sit overnight, then slow cooked it all day. One of the best things I've ever made and I didn't use any recipe! I may try to remember the dry rub ingredients and type up a recipe for the Recipes page someday.
     09/23 - I have ventured deep into reading "The Martian" shouldn't take long, I can't tear my eyes off the pages. I estimate it won't take more than a week, tops. It may or may not also make it on my book review list.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Week 38: 09/13-09/19

Week 38
     09/13 - School is in full swing so, not much happens during the week. I spend my time going to class, doing HW, making food, and lounging. That's about it. It's good though, I enjoy my classes and I know the free time I have now won't last so I better make the most of it!

     09/16 - I got some Chacos. Cool shoes, cool concept.
     09/17 - Tonight Peter and I joined some fellow grad students at Grand Station Entertainment, a big bowling, mini golf, bar, games, laser tag place. It was cool! I accidentally ordered a hurricane thinking I was ordering a Heineken, drank it anyways... They have a special where after 9:30 you can get unlimited bowling, mini golf, and laser tag for just $10. We played a lot of laser tag and then bowled for a bit. Cool group of people.
     09/18 - Today not much happened other than a visit to a local whiskey bar: Rough Draught. It was a cool little place just down the street in College Station's Northgate district. The whiskey wasn't too expensive and a great way to try out different Texan distilleries.
      09/19 - My family sent me a care package consisting of the SAS Survival Handbook and a TAMU flag! The flag is now proudly displayed.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Week 37: 09/06-09/12

Week 37
     09/08 - Steak is a thing here. I may have already said that. I may have also accidentally bought pork steaks instead of real steaks. Live and learn. Live and learn.

     09/11 - So I'm a genius, and The Stack has a pool. Let's combine those things, shall we? So I went to Target and bought a pool raft and water gun and Scooby snacks. The Scooby snacks were essential, I assure you. This evening I spent in the pool with a glass of wine on the raft AND my waterproof speaker. It was awesome. Peter eventually joined but not in as cool of a way.

     09/12 - Relient K is playing a free concert on campus to kick off the football season! Free! I went and it wasn't too hot out. I did get a chance to break out my sun hat though. The show was really good, I felt like I was back in junior high haha. Here are a few pics:

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Week 36: 08/30-09/05

Week 36
     08/31 - First day of school! But I don't have class haha. As it turns out I'll only have class two days a week: Tuesday and Thursday. That's it. This week, Peter and I discovered some of the great things about this place. For starters, they have amazing grills. Also, the south has Milo's Sweet Tea. Hello! Finally, bourbon is cheap! All booze is cheap and they tax it only like 7.25%! Crazy right?! Especially considering in Seattle it was 26% liquor tax! They don't tax food here or income....where do they get all their money from?

     Today I also bought some new friends. Yes, I buy my friends:

     09/03 - Going home! Yup! Already! This weekend I will be attending two weddings. One of my neighbor and the other of my cousin, it's going to be a blast.
     09/04 - Weddings Part I: Stephanie and John. I think I'll mainly just provide pictures. This wedding was at a nice venue out at an orchard someplace, I don't remember the name. It was lovely, as most weddings ought to be. It was a bit toasty but a really great time! The food was excellent!

     09/05 - Wedding Weekend Part II: Kelly and Tyler. My cousin got married! Whoohoo! It was a really great wedding and I'm so happy for them. The venue was also wonderful and it was a great time to hang out with family. Also, I got to introduce Melissa to everyone so that was swell.

     We sent off Tyler and Kelly with a bunch of glowsticks so that was exciting. At one point my cousin Trevor rapped out some Kanye, much to the amazement of my older relatives. There were some weird song selections. At both weddings, actually, the DJs were really kind of awful. You think it wouldn't be that difficult to play cliche wedding songs?