Saturday, July 11, 2015

Week 28: 07/05-07/11

Week 28
Little Grapes!
07/05 - A perfect day for wine. Well, that's really any day. Today the lovely Melissa and I ventured out into the wine lands just outside of Seattle, Woodinville, to be precise. We headed out to Chateau Ste. Michele winery via a first-ever Uber ride for a free tour and to see the grounds. It was a really really really nice place, perfect weather and everything was just great. We began as all good winery tours ought to begin, with hummus.

      After a fun tour and three free wine tastings, we determine that it was hungry time. After little searching, we decided to eat at our next stop, Redhook brewery. Filled with delicious pub food, we hopped on over to take the tour. It was a lot of fun and a great deal for only $5! You get a bunch of ice cold beer fresh from the factory and a logo glass. I would definitely recommend it.
     07/06 - Despite all the fun, I still had to go to work on Monday. After work we decided that a ferry ride to Bainbridge would be the best way to spend a Monday afternoon. By the time we got there, it was dinner time and we were hungry. However, apparently life shuts down on Bainbridge after 5, so most of the cafe's and restaurants were closed! That's ok though, because it helped narrow down our searching to the only open place: Madison's Diner. This diner was a classic, literally. It was a diner from the 50s in Pennsylvania that was transplanted across the country and rebuilt. The food was good too! Yet another excellent day in and around Puget Sound.
     07/07 - Today I had to take Melissa to the airport. It was an amazing visit and I'm so thankful that she flew all the way out here. We took the train from downtown all the way to the airport, a great way to get there and something I'll do when I move out a month from now.
     07/11 - So Ryan's parents came out for a week or so and today they all went up to visit Vancouver. I would have gone but I've never left the country so I don't own a passport! It's unfortunate really. I still managed to have a great time and went on over to Ballard (again) to check out their Seafood Fest. The festival was cool but I'm not so sure about it's namesake. There was like only a teensy bit of seafood, which was quite surprising. Mostly the place was just full of greasy carnival food stands you would find at any festival. The only seafood that that they maybe were serving was a salmon burger...but everyone had that and they didn't look very appetizing. The beer was good though, per the usual.

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