Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week 18: 04/26-05/02

Week 18
     04/26 - So today my parents came down to CU to pick up most of my stuff. The rug is gone that tied the living room together, so that's weird. Also most of my bedroom is pretty stripped down. I packed up my large quantities of Murphy's logo glasses, a very large box. I finally took my parents to Black Dog with Melissa and it was a hit. If you don't know about Black Dog, you should. I would argue it's one of the best restaurants in the state of Illinois, definitely the best in town.
     04/29 - Murphy's Pub. I can't remember if I've talked about Murph's before, but I ought to. Every Wednesday for the past year I've gone to get their "Logo Glass" special. Basically it involves purchasing a branded glass of a different beer each week and getting cheap refills. The best part is you get to keep the glass! There have been a few flops, but many have been very cool. Some favorites are the Capitol Supper Club glass, a Stella glass with stem, a Two Brothers stemmed Domain Dupage glass, a Shiner Bock glass, a tall Budweiser glass, and a Revolution can-shaped Rebel IPA glass. Many of the beers themselves were crafty and wonderful. It's a cool tradition that I'm glad to have been a part of here. Many of us go regularly, but only I went enough to get every glass and the T-Shirt that was earned.  
     05/01 - We finally got to implement the big Aubra surprise party. After several weeks of designating tasks, gathering materials, etc., the kegger was thrown and it was a wild success. It was my first kegger and it was great. I did a keg stand, as is my right. We tried to help Dwi do one but he wouldn't hold himself up so it turned into waterboarding (beerboarding). Nobody died or got sick so that's a plus. This week we'll finish off the last quarter of a keg.

Profound Thought of the Week: "where did all the Sour Patch parents go?"

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 17: 04/19-04/25

Week 17
     04/19 - I think I had an undeclared rule that I would only use true "selfies" as my weekly photo. Well as it turns out, I didn't take one this week, not a single one. BUT I did take this photo with this beauty. "Who is this person?!" you might ask. Well folks, I have a confession. I am dating Melissa. I have been basically sort of for a while (we never actually put a date on when it started). This is the very same Melissa I have referenced in the past, she who shares an interest in blogging. Anyways, spring break happened aaaaaaaaand long story short, the cards fell nicely into place :) Now I don't think this the the proper medium by which to pour out all my feelings. I know a lot of people do that in blogs but they ain't me. I'll leave you with this: I'm happy, we're happy, life is good.
     04/24 - Today is my good friend Aubra's birthday! 22! ... We've been in the process of planning an awesome surprise birthday party, but we can't implement said party until next week. I'm not afraid of this spoiling the surprise because honestly these words were not written on 04/24 but on 05/04. Yes, I'm behind the game when it comes to updating this blog.

Profound Thought of the Week: "There's no such thing as poor timing. Life is all about those moments in the present, and nothing is ever timed the way you hope or expect."

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Week 16: 04/12-04/18

Week 16
     04/13 - I got a fellowship for Texas A&M! I still have to hear from Purdue, but this fellowship is a great deal and may be the deciding factor. The best part about it is that I get to pay in-state Texas tuition, which is half of the out-of-state cost. I'm hoping to know by the end of the week what my decision will be.
     04/14 - I caved and bought GTA V for the PC. I haven't really played video games since like November, and as such I was not going to get the game, BUT I decided to get it because my best friend Brendan always talks me into buying things basically. This is probably good considering he's going into professional sales. Also, I finally cut off my hair but I'm happy about how it turned out. I think I finally figured out how to talk to the hairdresser in such a way as to make her understand what I want it to look like haha. Next time I'll just bring in that ^^^ picture.
     04/16 - I didn't get an offer from Purdue, but I feel good because TAMU is going to be great! I officially accepted the fellowship and admissions offer, I'm soon to be an Aggie!

Profound Thought of the Week: "Having applied for four schools but only getting a fellowship offer from one, I realized that 1) it was good that I applied to TAMU and 2) Not getting good offers from the other three schools made my choice much easier. Rejection can sometimes be a good thing."

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Week 15: 04/05-04/11

Week 15
     04/05 - Happy Easter! I went to my great aunt and uncle's this year, as is the tradition. I got to see most of my family, which was good because I realized I may not see them for a really long time. I mean a really long time, like September. After Seattle I'll be heading to grad school someplace almost immediately, so the next time I'll be around is the first week of September for Kelly's wedding.
     04/05 - Still not certain about graduate school, but I know I've gotten into Texas A&M! It's in College Station, TX and has a top-ranked structures program. It would be very cool to spend about 11 months in Texas, so I just may end up going there.
     04/10 - Mom's Weekend. So this year my mom couldn't make it out for mom's weekend but I had a lot of fun hanging out with some other moms. On Friday night we all watched Katie's long-anticipated dance recital for her club Velocity Dance, of which she is the president. It's a Mom's Weekend tradition and something cool we look forward to each spring. Afterwards, several of us went to our favorite place on campus, the Illini Inn. Mel's mom (hereby known as "Sweater Momma") and Kathleen's mom (hereby known as "Liz") joined us in our not-so-drunken trip. Mom's Weekend is a fun time to hear about the "good old days" of college-age life from the mothers, definitely a fun perspective.
     04/11 -  Today we went to the Indian color festival of Holi, which celebrates good times and color. Our party consisted of me, Melissa, Sweater Momma, David, Aubra, Dwi, Jimmy, and some guy named Brandon I think... Anyways, it was a lot of fun throwing around bags of colored powder at each other and strangers, all for charity. There was also some stellar Indian food there, which I always tell myself to eat more of in life.

Profound Thought: "Family, family, family. I realize I do want to explore the country, but when it comes time to settle down and raise a family, I want to be near family. Also, remember to eat Indian food because it's yummy."